Monday, December 15, 2014

12-15-2014: The Last Missionary E-mail...

The first email of the day from Hermana Kate:

See you Thursday!
Hermanita Sangre

The next email of the day:

Just kidding, I'm writing a legit email right now
hah I'm funny, right?

The third and final email of the day:


Ok, Business meeting: 
I Would loooooove to go see the shop around the corner at stanford on saturday night.  Just saying.  All the other ideas sound fantastic as well. :)  
and a mommy daughter lunch date with patty and kathryn sounds great!  i love those ladies. 
end business meeting.

This week has been loco.  But awesome!  I love sister Gentry and Sister Christensen.  Sister Gentry is actually going home on thursday as well, so we call Sister C the assassin since she's killing us both off. :)  hah.  They're in the english ward, so we've been having to balance a lot of their appointments and I've been preparing the spanish sisters area for a "whitewash" (when two brand new missionaries come into an area) AND it turns out it's going to be Sister Ford (my trainee!) and she's going to be training a new missionary! Again!  So my trainee will get to come serve in her mission mama's area.  She's awesome, she's going to do great here. 
But We've been balancing the two areas pretty well, I've had to say bye to a lot of people so that they know two brand new missionaries are going to be teaching them, but it's been good.  Sad, but good.  At the end of Relief Society the Bishop's wife got up and announced to everyone that I was going home and they all did the unison "awwww".  I LOVE this ward and these people so much! 
We went caroling (in spanish) with allll the missionaries in the ward and the ward mission leader to some less actives on Friday, it was so fun!  We sang Away in a Manger and Silent Night about 500 times and I loved it.  Then we finished the night off with some "Pay de queso" aka cheesecake HOMEMADE with some abuelitas hot chocolate, that was one of the highlights of the week. 
AND I had my exit interview with President Ames on Wednesday, it was amazing!  So much revelation received.  One of the things that he told me that I really liked was that he told me that we never get released from our covenants, and that is where the real power lies.  Truth. I'm excited to tell you all the other cool things he told me, it was a really powerful interview.  I love and respect President and Sister Ames so much, they are amazing.  And I love being around missionaries.  I'm not going to lie, I'm a little nervous about finishing this part of my life, because I feel like the only thing I know about life right now is being a missionary!  But my nametag doesn't define me.  It's awesome to have, but I can share the gospel no matter where I am.  
Missions end, and that's OK.  

I love you all so much.  Thank you for the support and love.  I am excited to see y'all on Thursday! Make sure to tell the boys to not forget their muscles at home, because they will be hauling around some prettttttty hefty suitcases for me! (kidding. I will comply to the under 50 weight limit)
Les quiero. Yo se que la iglesia es verdadera y que Dios nos ama.  Yo se que Dios nos escucha a nuestras oraciones y que el nos cuida en todo momento.  Jesucristo es nuestro salvador y redentor y hermano mayor.  Sin el no podemos vencer la muerte fisica ni la espiritual.  Y gracias a el la muerte y todo lo que nos impide de ser mejor no tiene aguijon. 
Con mucho carino,
Hermanita Sangre

Monday, December 8, 2014

12-8-2014: Mom asks, "Is it too soon to countdown?"

Hello Family!

So here's a curveball for the week!  :)  On Thursday we got a call from the mission office (here I was expecting it to be them wanting to schedule my exit interview with president...) to let us know that Sister Kofe got her visa to panama!! BUT that means that she needs to leave on TUESDAY. aka tomorrow. aka a week before transfers.  So, since I am not allowed to be without a companion, (duh) I will be going to live with my English Sister Training Leaders in the Highland Station ward.  I began my mission in a trio, and I will end my mission in a trio. :) 

 So that means I'm basically already packed and will be living out of a suitcase for a week. #sleepover  My bags are packed, literally the definition of trunky. :) haha But don't worry, I've still got LOTS to do to prepare our investigators and the area to receive two new sisters.  Lots of notes to write and people to visit.  On the plus side, the Highland Station sisters have a really nice apartment.  And a gym.  I will be putting those treadmills to good use during morning workouts!

We're going caroling tonight!  That will be fun. 

Hermanita Sangre with some pre-Christmas Puppy Chow,
scarf & other treats.

So a family in an English ward called us and had us over for dinner on Thursday because their aunt from Honduras was in town and wanted to give her an opportunity to meet the missionaries and hear a message in her own language.  So we had these REAAAAALLY good enchiladas (yum)  and watched the "He is the Gift" video with them.  (  So sweet.  She's leaving to go back to Honduras soon, but we stopped by last night to teach her the restoration and she accepted a copy of the Book of Mormon!  Super cool.  A good seed planted.  

Played the piano in Sacrament again.  It's fun :)  The ward is very patient with me and my many messups but it's a fun way to serve.  

Our investigators are doing well!  We'll be trying to visit everyone this week to let them know about the changes and everything.  And we are going to be having LOTS of meals this week, since our meal calendar is full and so is the Highland Station meal calendar....Don't be surprised if I come home 100 pounds heavier.  It will be a fun surprise.  hah

To answer your question, Mom, our transfer meeting is on Wednesday, so Wednesday afternoon President and Sister Ames take all the departing missionaries to the temple and we're there basically all day until dinner at the mission home and a testimony meeting.  Then we get up Thursday morning for our return flights!  Any set-in-stone plans for the weekend with the whole family? :)  AND I am A-OK with keeping the In-n-Out tradition. In fact, I've been planning on it.  Already read your minds.

Hope you all have a good week this week, love you all!  Cuidense y portense bien, ok?

Les quiero,
Hermanita Sangre

Sunday, December 7, 2014

12-1-2014: When You Read This, It Will Be DECEMBER!

Sup. :)

This week was SUPER full, and just overall awesome.  I think I say that every week is good, but forreal, this week was REALLY good.  

But then again, only in Texas does the temperature drop 40 degrees in less than 12 hours.  It's fine.

Yesterday we were at church for like a gazillion hours. We had studies in the morning and then we went to our Ward Council meeting at noon. Then church started at 1:30.  Then we had a baptism right after scheduled for 5 BUT the husband of the couple being baptized was waiting for his Dad to drive in from Dallas, so the baptism didn't really start till 5:45, so we didn't end up leaving until like 6:30.  It was like a marathon!  But all good things.  And the spirit was suuuper strong during the baptism.  The couple being baptized were super cool and super prepared, everyone there could feel the spiritual confirmation that God was pleased with their decision.  Man, I love covenants.

So, of course, I was playing prelude for the baptism and the Bishop's wife was like, "Let's sing some Christmas hymns while we wait for Jose's Dad" so we sang Christmas hymns for like 45 minutes.  My hands were cramping.  And she directs realllly fast.  So imagine me running after a moving train, and that's basically what I felt like. haha it was fun.  I give Murlene props for accompanying basically every musical number ever in the history of the world because that is tiring stuff!

Our Thanksgiving day was super fun.  We spent the morning doing weekly planning and then we went and visited some of my favorite families, the Gamboa family and the Franco family.  LOTS of really good food.  Mostly traditional stuff, no rice or beans.  But don't worry, we got our fill of all that the rest of the week.  ;)

Then on Friday we did some service as a district and our Ward Mission Leader invited us all over afterwards to go eat Pupusas--a dish from El Salvador that is really really good.  Man, I love pupusas.  THEN, we had a visit from Hermana Gomez, one of my trainers!! She finished her mission in August and has been at BYU, but she was in town for the weekend visiting the mission and she spent basically the rest of Friday with us going around visiting people.  It was soooo fun!  She's at BYU so I'll see her soon.  I got some pictures with her.  

Saturday night we had dinner with another one of my favorite families, the Bonillas. :)  They are so awesome, they're from Puerto Rico, and they have toooons of health problems so it's hard for them to come to church, but they come when they can and they have the strongest testimonies ever.  So they invited a friend over for the dinner, too.  (i think I've mentioned him before?  His name is Saul.)  And we taught him and he accepted the invitation to be baptized once he knows it's true!  The spirit was really strong in that lesson.  

Sorry, Dad.  No bubba yet.  Don't worry, I've still got 2 and a half weeks, there's still hope.  

I'm glad y'all could have a good Thanksgiving weekend!  And good thing Mom went out to run some errands so that BYU could finally win a game. :) hah 

I like that question about Faith, I'm going to ponder that and get back to you.  

Thanks for being great examples of strength and faith and enduring to the end.  I love you so much.  

Portense bien, ok?

Hermanita Sangre

Sunday, November 30, 2014

11-23-2014: Happy Early Thanksgiving!

Hello Beautiful Family!  

Business Meeting: Thanks for forwarding me that email about the apartments and whatnot.  
AND thanks for the Puppy Chow and the scarf and mints and mentos!  :) It is NEVER too early for Puppy Chow season.  Also.  I am currently wearing the scarf. 

This week was really great!  We had an exchange with our Sister Training Leaders and I lightweight abandoned Hermana Kofe as I left her in our area and went to an English ward for the day ;)  haha But Hermana Kofe did great, she's learning more spanish every day!  

We also had our ward Thanksgiving Party, it was a blast!  That day two investigators from some other elders in our ward got married, so the party ended up being a combination ward party/wedding reception and it was SO FUN. I wish I was Mexican so that I could legit go to their ward parties.  And that couple that got married is getting baptized this week, so it was even that much more awesome!  

We also contacted this super sweet referral from a member, and the member went with us to teach her.  She seems pretty open to our message.  We'll be teaching her tomorrow so stay tuned for more.  The bummer: her husband is giving her zero support, and he is her only ride looks like we'll be coordinating a way to get her to church!  

We taught this OTHER super prepared referral from a member and he is like seriously searching for the truth.  We taught him and then he was like, "oh by the way, I'm moving back to mexico tomorrow" jaw drop.  Like, it's cool or whatever.  Sending missionaries to Mexico, no big deal.  

Interviews were this week.  President told me exactly how many days I had left in my mission, but I forgot how many it was.  I'm sure Mom's keeping a paper chain or something and counting down the days ;)

Played piano in sacrament again.  Fun stuff.

This week for Thanksgiving we've got 2 families that we'll be going to.  The Gamboa family (one of my FAVORITE families ever.  So great.  They're returning to activity and I love them lots.)  and the Franco family.  Little Gabby Franco is 16 and she's a super cute, sassy girl.  She comes with her 2 younger sisters to church basically every week with another member that gives them a ride, their Parents work a ton on Sundays, but they've invited us over for Thanksgiving!  yum.  Both said they'll be having Turkey, so it will probably come with a side of Rice and beans ;)  Don't worry, I've got some recipes that I'll be testing with y'all when I get home, but be prepared because just about EVERYTHING they make is fried at least once.  #healthy. yeah right. 

We haven't been able to see the P family this week, but for sure this week.  I'll let you know how it goes with them!  And E too, she is probably having her baby right now.  She was soooo pregnant.  

That's so cool to hear the update about Yuhan!  I hope things keep going well with her.  

Thanks for the Study Abroad app and the Spanish class.  REALLY appreciate it!  

Have a fun Thanksgiving!  Make sure to take pictures and to have fun (as if you need me to tell you...) hah  Don't get into too much trouble.  Tell Nat to follow his own advice, just once won't hurt. everyone's doing it blahblahblah :) 

Love you SO much
Hermanita Sangre

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

11-17-2014: What a week!

Beautiful family,

This week was quite the week, full of surprises and fun things!

Probably the highlight:  so it's getting cold.  (I think I've been converted to the heat....i'm ashamed to say it.)  And the other week someone rear-ended us (really minor, teeeeeeeny tiny dent in our trunk. AND not my fault, thank you :) so we had to take our car in to get it repaired, and the mission office was going to give us an old car to use for 2 weeks or so, so we drive our fancy newly-dented car to the auto shop and walk about 10 minutes in 40 degree weather (we were prepared with MANY layers) to the mission office to find out....IT WAS CLOSED.  It was right around the time that all the new missionaries were coming in and so all the office people were with them giving them training and we had to walk ALLL the way back to our car, sheepishly ask for our car back and drive back home.  

Then we got to do the same exact thing the next day, but this time the mission office was actually open :)  Hah.  Me and Hermana Kofe were just laughing the whole time, we felt so silly, but it was fun.  A good story, right?? hah that's what i'll tell myself...

Next highlight, our ward had a baby shower for this lady that just moved into the ward, her name is hna Galo and she is soooo cool.  She comes out with us about once a week and she's living with her inactive sister while hna Galo's husband is in Korea for the military.  So the cooool thing was that her sister (who isn't active) came to the baby shower and afterwards we stayed and talked with her for like a solid hour and agreed to have us come over!  Really neat.  

We're teaching a super cool family that I swear is the most prepared family I've met in my mission. (we met them a few weeks ago, but were JUST able to teach them this week.) They're the P. family, the wife is a less-active Jehovah's Witness and the husband is just a good Christian man. We knocked on the door and immediately he recognized us as representatives of Christ and invited us back for another appointment. We went back and he had all these great questions like, "How can I know which of all the paths are God's path?" and "What makes someone a prophet?" and "How would Christ's church be organized?" I almost started crying I was so excited! We taught the First Lesson and they want to learn more, he wants to know more before coming to Church, but he is committed to reading and praying. His wife also asks questions and seems pretty open to our message! I just have such a great feeling about them. 

Then on Saturday the Stake Young Women's president asked us to help in a conference for the Beehives in the stake. We taught a little workshop about the importance of sharing their testimony, and then they went ahead and took a brand new copy of the Book of Mormon and wrote their testimony in it. They had the option to write it and give the book to a friend, or to give the book to us for us to hand out to someone. Out of the 30 or so girls, we only received 4 copies of the Book of Mormon. Success! I am so impressed with the youth in our stake, truly. Even better, was to hear that some of those girls were hoping to serve missions :)

We're also teaching this super cute lady named E who was taught by missionaries a few years ago but never ended up getting baptized, and we taught her the Restoration a few weeks ago and seemed more open to the message this time around.  Then this week we taught her the first part of the Plan of Salvation and she had TONS of questions, it was great!  She said, "man, the last time the missionaries taught me they didn't tell me about all this!"  (which I'm sure they did, she just wasn't as interested at the time!)  But she's like 9 months pregnant and about to pop so we'll probably take a few weeks break before we go back so that she can rest up and such.  But she's just so sweet and it's cool to see how the Lord prepares people to receive his gospel in HIS time.  

A is still a super cool kid, but as usual it's nearly impossible to teach him when his mom is available.  We won't give up, though.  But we are recognizing more the importance of how he won't progress as much unless his whole family is involved.

Hey, did Dad sign me up for a Spanish class next semester? I can't remember.  If not, I'd like to get on the waiting list for one. I think Span 321 or something is a prerequisite for the spain study abroad.

Thanks for the heads up on the speaking assignment on the 21st, I shall prepare :)

Thanks, Mom, for sharing that spiritual experience, I love it when the Spirit touches us like that.

That's so cool to hear about that lady that just walked into the church building!!  President Ames says that there are 3 types of referrals: 1.) Member Referrals (when a member tells the missionaries about a friend) 2.) Missionary Referrals (when the missionaries give an assignment to a member to fellowship an investigator) and 3.) God's Referrals--aka people that are just so prepared that they come seeking out the church.  Sounds like this girl falls into the 3rd category :)  
Speaking of referrals, our ward gave us 2 this week! that hardly ever happens for us, so it was so cool to see it all work out!  We're going to teach them both this week WITH our members, so i'll let you know how it goes next week. 

And Dad, you're exactly right.  I mounted that bike a total of 3 times. hah so much for biking in a skirt...

I love you all soooooooo much.  Cuidense y portense bien, ok?

<3 Hermana Sangre

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

7-10-2014: In Honor of our Veterans

Hello Family!

This week was a good one, nothing much to tell.  Something we've been struggling with lately is finding new investigators to teach, so that's something that we'll be working on this week.  Axel is an awesome kid, but I think we've been pushing him too much, so we're going to slow the lessons down and try to involve his Mom more.  

This week we had a GREAT lesson with Kristy, and we brought a member and her 3 year old son with us and it was SUCH a great lesson!  Honestly, we didn't teach a whole lot, but Kristy and our member got along GREAT and the kids were all playing and it was so cool to see.  Members truly are KEY to this work.  

So Hermana Esparza comes out with us to teach people every Thursday and afterwards she buys us a shake...sorry if I come back weighing 500 lbs.  :)  

Also, I hope you know that I have been using my piano skills to good use whenever the usual sacrament pianist doesnt come, and sometimes the Primary requests our help during singing time when the chorister is sick.  Fun times in the Hurst 3rd ward.  I love serving here.  And it's official, I will be finishing the last 5 weeks of my mission here!  

No news about Hermana Kofe's visa yet, I figure we'll just get a call one day and she'll have to pack her bags or something the next day.  It will be an adventure!  Sometimes she even forgets that she's a visa waiter, but then when I'll be explaining something about being a missionary/rules or something and I'll say "this is how we do it here, but I don't know how they do it in Panama" and she'll respond "Man, I completely forgot I was going there!"  :)  She's here 100%.

No iPads yet.  Darn.  

Health has been good!  I have miraculously avoided any cold or flu symptoms (knock on wood) unlike y'all, man, I hope you get feeling better!

The members are still wonderful cooks that feed us alllll the time.  I love it :)  When they ask me if I like spicy food I say "yes, I'm from Mexico, remember?"  hah.  They laugh and then bring out the chiles.  

Glad to hear that y'alls week went well, besides the dreaded colds.  Any cool spiritual experiences this week? Do we still have sisters in our ward?  Tell Jake he's not running enough.  He's getting out of shape.  (hah.) 

I love you all so so much!
Hermana Sangre

Monday, November 3, 2014

11-3-2014: And, all of the sudden, it's November!

OK, sorry, i didn't plan my time very wisely...hah So i have like zero time, if this sounds like a babble I apologize!

Yes, I paid my speeding ticket.  They said it would be an additional charge to use my card, so i took cash from my savings instead.  But i did use my card for the bike, thank you!  I really appreciate, you Mom, for keeping tabs on that type of stuff.  

This week was good!  We had lunch with a member on Tuesday and the hermano asked what Dad did, so I said he was a lawyer.  He asked what I wanted to do and I said business.  He then proceeded to lecture me on why I should be a lawyer instead.  hahhaha His main point of argument was so that I could be like my Dad.  Thought you might appreciate that.  

This week we had a suuuper cool dinner with some members the Zunigas.  They are so awesome.  They have some youth-age kids and our Stake President asked the missionaries to teach the youth all the missionary lessons so that they are encouraged to serve missions.  So we went ahead and taught them the Restoration, just like we would to investigators.  The Spirit was SO strong and at the end we were all bearing testimony of why the church was true and how awesome it was for them to have worthy priesthood holders in their home.  Then on Sunday the Hermana went and bore her testimony and said how grateful she was for our visit and how it came at just the right time.  God is aware of each of us and sometimes the people we influence aren't just the less actives or the investigators, but the completely active members as well.  

Axel is doing well!  We're teaching him and his mom tonight to talk to her about his baptism.  We'll see how that goes, she seems pretty open.  

I'm still running every day!  I run for about 15-20 minutes and do situps and pushups for the rest of the 10 minutes of daily exercise.  We don't have a gym here in Hurst so we run outside to the library about half a mile a way and I run around the parking lot while Sister Kofe does situps and stuff.  How about a few group jogs to run off all that puppy chow i'll be eating at home? i think so :)

Halloween was good! no trick-or-treaters.  We did some good planning. :) I love Jake and Dad's halloween pictures!  hahaha  What studs!  And Nat sent me an update about the date he went on, i'm so proud.  I'll respond to him next week. 

Thanks for the classes and everything!  I love you all so much!  I'll keep uncle tom in my prayers.

<3 Hermana Sangre